Write your passion here, writing is best to practise to describe your thoughts in front of the world. We believe writing skill is kind of art not everyone can write what they thought. Posting a blog through our website will help you with any kind of organic result you’re looking for. Blog hub is an Australian based premium blogging website. We are always looking for skilled writers who can join the team and write their thoughts on paper.

Guest Post Submission Guide 

Step 1: write an article/Blog on any topic

Step 2:  check your blogs with the Plagiarism tool. ex. www.plagiarismdetector.net  

Step 3: send your article/blog to us on email admin@dynamicsearch.com.au

Step 4: we will check and publish your article/blog on the website.

Article/Blog writing guideline

  1. The article/blog should be a minimum of 800-1000 words.
  2. Avoid any grammatical errors.
  3. All images should be original, licensed, or public domain.
  4. The articles/blogs should be easily readable and divided into sections with subheadings.

Guest Post Price:

  • Blog Post Price : $10 USD
  • Link Insert Price : $15 USD
  • Casino Price: $50 USD

Other Guest Post Websites:

Link Building Websites

What you will get  

  1. We will give you a quality backlink.
  2. All your article posts under the admin/editor only.
  3. We are selective about what posts we publish. Your writing should be well written, interesting, unique, and informative.

Terms and condition 

  1. After posting an article, you can not post the same article with another website.
  2. Always provide the right information in the article/blog.

We would love to hear from you 24 * 7. We are always ready to deliver the best of us. Usually, it takes 48 hours for a kind response.

Write Us